2022年3月15日 星期二

🍹🍮⚡ Diary - Raw food (well, pain killer patches) 🍹🍮⚡

I have England Kitchen and DC Kitchen Stuffs to do.

Our country is a sea water all around, islander weather. So there are night market.

This is about 3 or 4th plates of raw food, on the plate with dressing at night.

Its so so so so painful, its immediately everything comes out.

No, I haven't use anything for pain killer patches for some times. I stopped.

But I start to washing the vegetable myself. I eat my mother food in the lunch. At night, I sometimes just having this raw broccoli or cauliflower. Its everything comes out today. No, I didn't have a juicing yesterday or today. Just water in the morning, I didn't have time.

I think the raw food movement they are....those body response, its painful. I remember that. No, I was not planning on losing weight, not right now. I wish...yeah, go back to walking and juicing, not on raw food?! No.

Just too lazy, thought to have a taste in dressing.

Tonight I have, a bread, pizza bread. A bowl of vegetable, and that a plate of dressing raw broccoli and cauliflower. 



🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 Diary 2 - this morning March 16th, 2022 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹

There are a lot of gas, huge amount, and I poo again. Remind me I used to be.....no I didn't lose weight, but I drank water in the morni...