2022年3月16日 星期三

🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 Diary 2 - this morning March 16th, 2022 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹

There are a lot of gas, huge amount, and I poo again.

Remind me I used to be.....no I didn't lose weight, but I drank water in the morning about a cup?

Its like deattached from the internal lining last night, pain.....and in the morning too tired.

I need to drink more water, not just the juices. My back spine, I have to push it, and chest out sill coughing with that kind of sounding.

I can straight the back, but sometimes some human more flexible to push the back and I cough out. Still the same.

Need to ensure no more, or else, the body becomes a systemic.....I forget drinking the water in the morning.

2022年3月15日 星期二

🍹🍮⚡ Diary - Raw food (well, pain killer patches) 🍹🍮⚡

I have England Kitchen and DC Kitchen Stuffs to do.

Our country is a sea water all around, islander weather. So there are night market.

This is about 3 or 4th plates of raw food, on the plate with dressing at night.

Its so so so so painful, its immediately everything comes out.

No, I haven't use anything for pain killer patches for some times. I stopped.

But I start to washing the vegetable myself. I eat my mother food in the lunch. At night, I sometimes just having this raw broccoli or cauliflower. Its everything comes out today. No, I didn't have a juicing yesterday or today. Just water in the morning, I didn't have time.

I think the raw food movement they are....those body response, its painful. I remember that. No, I was not planning on losing weight, not right now. I wish...yeah, go back to walking and juicing, not on raw food?! No.

Just too lazy, thought to have a taste in dressing.

Tonight I have, a bread, pizza bread. A bowl of vegetable, and that a plate of dressing raw broccoli and cauliflower. 

2022年3月14日 星期一

Blogger template : on links and links already clicks

Right now, that blogger back end, you could just select the drop down color

I use green its the floating those words color : lighter green

To already visit or click hoovering color : orange / yellow

Looking fine.

Okay, I update already almost every navigation bar article, I label the dates when I entry, March 14th 2022. That is today, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Time.

On CNN. We are facing the China Olympia soon, or that COVID 19 not die down, its China triggering the war after Russian-Ukraine funny time.

Or Like I say in my real jobs, through the Music, Commander-in-Chef website, its your pain killing patches they need the student athlete, not just bum fire BBQ National Emergency housing plans. 

🍵🍵🍵🍵🫖 Fruits juice, or Tea, or fruits tea 🍵🍵🍵🍵🍪🍪

That Lipton tea if mix a super long cooking brown sugar = 仙草?

I hate it ...

Right now: Pineapple, orange, apples and grapes, a Whole bag grapes.

Nicer.... I hate 仙草

How do you wash grapes?

I am a chem major, I say FDA, but I am not sure my National Emergency House training one women per kitchen that things will last....right now. They are almost 38, to become 40. I will be 39 in one month. 

You cannot see....  💝🍇 🧀

 💝🍇 🧀💝🍇 🧀💝🍇 🧀


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🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 Diary 2 - this morning March 16th, 2022 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹

There are a lot of gas, huge amount, and I poo again. Remind me I used to be.....no I didn't lose weight, but I drank water in the morni...