2022年2月22日 星期二

COVID 19 Vaccination - I am the juicing crowd's feedback

Today I went to the hair salon, as you can tell, my entire blogger author's page. How busy I really am, to be on all kinds of sectors to blog about it.


Yeah, we talk about the vaccination.

My entire family are vaccinated, I was so busy, so my mother help me register on-line, so I just went with her to the building and get vaccinated. We have some financial help from some Corperations, on the news, we know the vaccine are coming in, on the Twitter. You subscribe to them, you know how many doses of vaccines coming in. So I finish 2 doses.

Have you read my website this Raw food, and one Cooking food website?

Raw Food: https://annaonrawfood.blogspot.com/

Cook Food:  annafoodcooking.blogspot.com/

I know a lot of people are in this area, if you check on the youtube, they all have their niches, and as you might be aware on my facebook, its all my MD classmates they were in my Honor Class undergraduate, they become the today's doctor, lawyers, pharmacist groups. They have kids, family, parents issues, like I have.

My mother comes back like she is dying I am telling you. They are not on American fashion ideas of raw food or juicing. My mother are intake some juicing, but she eats the regular foods, often.

Pang and Tina are on the fitness, but they all have some kinds of reaction.

Changing diets, its because you want to feel healthy, and cool. Be happy and less burden. Because there are a lot of people like the food, like the taste and the looks. Well, when the body chemistry, they tell you, its about 7 years. From the meat eator to the vegetarian, let alone to say breatharian, or fruitarian, liquidarian.

One of these days, you wonder if you have the immunity, why you want to get healthier, and participate some other ideas of existence, you are responsible for your own health, your physical wellness.

The physical health, the mental health, in every aspects, you are not in a down mood, why your life becomes a chaos, you still pursuing on, helping yourself to get well. That is a constant efforts, you don't get that starting on the first day, like one month ago, or 3 months ago.

I started in my years of 23. I was volleyball team high school, that is 16 years old. Some people does things in life hoping they reaching in a different degree of responding to that life quest they always ask, where the life comes from, and where the life will go.

You should think about it, why life in your own terms, you become more dominating factors, and let others help you a bit, if you are just wobbling in your own evolutions.






🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 Diary 2 - this morning March 16th, 2022 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹

There are a lot of gas, huge amount, and I poo again. Remind me I used to be.....no I didn't lose weight, but I drank water in the morni...