2021年10月30日 星期六

You know what cooking is? Vietnamese Summer roll or Vietnamese spring roll

 What is the ultimate cooking lesson you learn in your life, that most you do in the cooking?

Spice mix, sauce making.

So with raw food, have you ever in America eating something called Vietnamese Summer roll or Vietnamese spring roll? They use peanut butter sauce.

Sauce like Thousand Long Island 千島醬

Sauce like Peanut Butter sauce for dipping purpose

Sauce like buying a can of Nacho sauce?

Do you understand why you eating a good food, taste good, and you never wish to compromise the taste, and how to do that in the Raw food world?

I will tell you there is a lot of food I have make, except the meat. I always vegetarian. If you coordinate right, or you read the labels of the factory made food, because I have to see if they are vegetarian. I will tell you, I read a lot a lot a lot these ingredient label since I was 5 grades onewards. So if they tell you, they use high corn syrup, you have to know why every snack bars or something they taste good. They put sugar in it. 

The only raw ingredient of raw sugar, its fruit sugar. Cane sugar, in my country like cane juice is very very sweet and it is green. We are an tiny island, so not to compare that in America, or when I get back to America.

To really cooking right in the Raw food worlds, and getting affordable meal, not like they are all rich people diet, you can start with things of every each individual food, to make a taste, so you remember what it is adding one to another ingredient.

Like i have been juicing for a week now, you know yesterday I tried the Chinese pear. They do come out as a form of liquid, that taste just like the fruits.

So do I found it different in juicing, not really, but they have a taste, just like the fruits.

People have to love what they do, when they do medicine tasting, or food tasting.

Dr. John R Christopher, the Military doctor in WWI, or WII, it means he is excellent to represent America. He says the herbs are the foods, you can eat as much as you want. So when you buying a capsult form, did you ever open it up and see?

You have to love what you do, so you doing it, you know your body is your temple of God.

Not just taking it for grant, everyone just heal you, so you don't reflect in your life, what's wrong with you so you get a disease, or contract a disease.



🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹 Diary 2 - this morning March 16th, 2022 🥩🍤⚡🍮🍹

There are a lot of gas, huge amount, and I poo again. Remind me I used to be.....no I didn't lose weight, but I drank water in the morni...